Challenges and opportunities for inclusion: visit from institutional representatives


This Tuesday we received a visit from David Bonvehí, Director of the Department of Social and Solidarity Economy, and Pau Rich, Director of Territorial Services in Girona. Their visit aimed to get to know our organization up close and see how, day by day, we work to promote the employment of people with intellectual disabilities.

The visit was a good opportunity to highlight the more than 60 years of history of the Ramon Noguera Foundation Group, as well as the projects and commercial establishments that we have promoted over the last 6 decades. During the visit, they toured different areas of the Foundation, learning firsthand how our Special Work Center works and observing the work carried out by the people who are part of it. Through initiatives such as the Aliments Onyar artisan workshop or the Tasting Workshop, we promote real job opportunities and generate a positive impact on both workers and the community.

Beyond the workplace, we have shared the importance of the services we offer to people in the occupational therapy service, as well as in the specialized care and housing service. Through these programs, we work to promote personal and social autonomy, offering supports adapted to the needs of each person and guaranteeing a better quality of life.

The meeting also allowed us to put concerns and challenges for the future on the table. We were able to present our needs and lines of work to continue promoting a fairer society, based on innovation and real and effective inclusion.

From the Ramon Noguera Foundation we value your visit positively as it has allowed us to present our work first-hand and discuss issues of extreme importance at the present time. We thank David Bonvehí and Pau Rich for their interest and support, and we reaffirm our commitment to continue working to generate a positive impact on the community and improve the social and labor inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.

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