Workers CET firsthand Lourdes Masferrer


Lourdes Masferrer I am, I'm 39 years old and eight years working for the foundation. I started it on Monday 14 April 2008 in the section kitchen where pots cleaned, water heaters and other equipment.

Then, in August of that year, I went to work in the section cleaning industry , and that lasted until March 2009.

Finally, I came to the section where I am currently in space lafundació both the store and the laundry . Today, iron, wash clothes and sometimes I do shop at the store .

In all that time, I learned to be in the kitchen, clean, to make shop, Ironing and washing clothes. I am also covers insured.

I want to thank the people of the foundation that has accompanied me during all these years: Elvira Redondo, Teresa López, Àngela Calvet, Andrew, Teresa, Dolors Serra, my colleagues in the store, and the Pepita Perich and Joan Bussé.
PS I feel highly valued because they tell me I can do great things. And besides, I've been eight years; This means that they are happy with me.

Thanks for your attention, and for years, and last longer.

Article published in the journal Annual Foundation Ramon Noguera 2016. Read more articles: JOURNAL FRN

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