Interview with Ivan Tiñena, Supervisor of the Foundation's Cleaning Services


He is Ivan Tiñena, supervisor of the Foundation's cleaning services. He has been working with us for 3 years and says that what he likes most about the job is the day-to-day versatility.

I asked him to do the interview in one of the spaces we have at the Mas Xirgu headquarters and when he arrives he does it laughing, but that's quite normal for him. The day Ivan doesn't laugh, something happens.

· How did you get to the Foundation?

Well, I was looking for a change, because I worked nights and wanted to make a change in the third sector. I wanted to work in a social field so I started looking and when I saw the offer from the Foundation I thought "Wow, what a treat! I want to work here."

I applied and went through different interviews until I was selected. I'm very good here! The people are very nice and I work well there, you feel very comfortable there.

  • · What do you like most about your job?

Dealing with people, and the more diverse... the better!

The variety of clients and workers I talk to every day is very large, but within this variety and with a frenetic pace I am very good. I like to keep my mind active and busy, so going up and down is something I enjoy.

Being able to do many things, but with an order within the daily chaos, to do them well and consciously. The opportunity to deal with many people, from all social classes, makes me enjoy the job.

I think this is the most important thing.

  • · Three key words that define the Foundation's project for you.

Coexistence, responsibility and positivity.

  • · I'm sure you have a very funny anecdote... Can you tell us about it?

Oh well, I have a lot of them!

We work at the Dalí Museum, in Figueres, and one day they made us clean a very large room they have. On the phone I was told "you will have to start with this room, but you will only be able to clean when the work next to the wall is covered".

The instructions are easy, right? Well, I told them ok, no problem. When we arrived at the museum on the day it was due, I took a good look at everything and told the team that I could start cleaning now, as I thought the work was covered up.

But... it turns out the work wasn't covered up yet. The curator of the museum came running to tell me that it still had to be covered! That we couldn't do that area.

I was looking at the work and I couldn't see it clearly, it was covered up for me (laughs)...

  • · And when you leave work, what do you like to do?

  • Because of the type of work I do and the stress I go through, although I enjoy it a lot, when I'm not working I need to do a lot of sport. I need to move! So I go out on a bike, both road and mountain, or go for a run every day. Always outdoors, it helps me disconnect.

What relaxes me a lot is not the speed, but going to the top of a hill, like Argimon's, to breathe some fresh air, lie down for a while and come back down.

  • · Finally... What is your favorite Alimentos Onyar product?

Phew, this one is very clear to me! The other day when we had the workers' party, I discovered the crispy shiitake and zucchini ravioli that the colleagues in the catering service prepare.

I've never seen that before and they're really good! I tried one and was already sold. I ended up with a tray in my hand going up and down offering it to people and eating it myself (laughs).

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