Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Solutions ERASMUS +
Closed projectSEIS is an Erasmus + project co-financed by the EU. It is a project of collaboration between countries of the EU and Latin America on social entrepreneurship and innovative solutions. The project aims to empower entities and young people in social entrepreneurship through training for trainers, online training module, storytelling, talent exchange among professionals, youth gathering, mobile entrepreneurial APP, among other activities .
All the activities of the project focus on entrepreneurship education for young people, with special emphasis on social entrepreneurship, non-formal and vivid learning (ie training of trainers, exchanges of talent among participating entities, local trainings ), together with specific knowledge, using ICTs that guarantee a comprehensive approach to the personal development of young people (ie e-hub, mobile app), including young people with fewer opportunities.
The partners in this consortium believe that social entrepreneurship is a way to achieve sustainable development, positive changes in society, social inclusion and cohesion, inclusive growth, through the participation of marginalized and vulnerable groups of young people, They could also contribute to the development of their communities, if they have the right tools and skills, and if they are capable and motivated.
In the wider and longer aspect, the project aims to help solve the problems related to the unemployment of young people and the marginalization of certain groups of society that face difficulties in integrating into the labor market . Through the planned activities, it aims to contribute in a valuable way to the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and to create trans-national cross-synergies between participants and participating organizations.
Duration and dates: 24 months from 12/31/2018 and until 08/31/2020
Consortium: 8 partners from 7 different countries in Europe and Latin America
Know and Can Association (K & C) - coordinators, Bulgaria
NUBE cowork, chile
Grupo Polo Tecnológico de Rosario, Argentina
Centro de Estudios Paysandú (CEP), Uruguay
CONEXX-Europe, Belgium
Puente Sur, Paraguay
SDRUZHENIE PROFESIONALEN FORUM ZA OBRAZOVANIETO (Association "Professional Forum for Education"), Bulgaria
Grup Ramon Noguera Foundation, Catalonia