Interview with Lisa Rouvière, head of research and development at the TreeWater company


 During her last control visit, we got the chance to sit down with her to learn more about the technical issues of the project and the importance of these actions in preserving the environment.

1. Now that the prototype has been up and running here at the Laundry for over 6 months, are the results you've gotten what you expected?

Yes, we have good results. The parameters we obtained are what we expected.

However, we will continue to analyze because the first 6 months have allowed us to make several improvements, to test things. Today I just changed the flocculant, which is the liquid that removes small suspended solids. We have changed brands. We take the opportunity to make continuous improvements but for now, yes, the results we have obtained are very good.

2. What are the main challenges you have encountered? How did you solve them?

The main problem we encountered is the distance. Because we are in France, we cannot always be here to solve small problems that arise. This requires more maintenance time than we thought as we are constantly making improvements. Fortunately, Fran takes care of the prototype from here and that helps us a lot.

The other drawback is the downtimes, because when the installation is stopped because it is a holiday or there is a technical problem, there can be bacterial development when the water stagnates. But we have already solved that. We have now established some protocols for when we should stop it and then start the prototype again.

3. What projects or research are you currently carrying out at TreeWater that could have a significant impact on environmental preservation?

We are a very diverse team and not everyone works on every project. But precisely the topic of laundries is very interesting because there are a lot of them everywhere.

They use a lot of water and detergents and therefore pollutants. Some of the pollutants can also be on the clothes, for example if we wash the clothes of the workers. So, the technology we develop in this case prevents all these pollutants from going to the waste water treatment plant.

We also have an electro-oxidation project, which is an advanced oxidation process. Kind of like this, but without the chemicals, so to speak. We are interested in working to find a solution for the so-called "eternal pollutants", which are very difficult to degrade.

4. How can we stop the rapid evolution of climate change?

You must try to limit pollution at the source, that is, limit all chemicals. As scientists, we can try to create products that are easily degradable in nature and do not pollute too much.

At the same time we need to be careful about what we buy and consume, our role as consumers is really important.

5. What do you think the future of water treatment will be? Are there any emerging technologies that look promising?

I don't think we will ever find a miracle technology that will allow all pollutants to be degraded. It is necessary to look for technologies that are destructive, that is, that destroy pollutants instead of simply separating them, such as reverse osmosis.

In any case, it will be the combination of different technologies that will allow us to make these improvements. A single technology to treat all types of water is not possible, let alone a single solution for all pollutants.

6. How can chemistry contribute to the fight against ocean pollution, especially in the case of plastics and other persistent pollutants?

Chemistry can play an important role in this area, because it is necessary to try to degrade these pollutants as much as possible, but also to use materials that are biodegradable. We must continue to research to find the combination of technologies that will allow us to do this.

7. In your experience, what steps should companies like ours take to promote water conservation?

I would say that more reuse projects need to be promoted, such as the Life Recyclo Project that we developed together or the technology that you have at the Car Wash.

The different operations of each company must be adapted, as far as possible, so that they have less impact on the environment. At the same time we must reduce water consumption, and also recover rainwater for use in specific applications.

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