Clúster Èxit participates in a training and career orientation program for young people


The Clúster Èxit Association has participated in the second edition of the "Girona, Integral Territory" program aimed at improving young people's employment in the whole of Gironès, with combined actions of work orientation, improvement of transversal competences, professional training Specific and labor insertion.

During the month of September and October, a total of 12 students have been able to enjoy a Formation Capsule in Hospitality to be able to acquire basic knowledge in this area and be able to enter the ordinary labor market.

The "Girona, Comprehensive Territory" program is funded by the Employment Service of Catalonia and the European Social Fund within the framework of Comprehensive Youth Guarantee Programs, "Girona Integral Territory", in accordance with the Comprehensive Guaranteed Juvenile Programs, regulated by Order TSF / 318/2016, of November 22.

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