We train kitchen assistants as part of the EQUALvet project


EQUALvet is an Erasmus + project funded by the European Union and developed by a consortium of 6 European entities, including the Ramon Noguera Foundation, which aims to create a vocational training program for people with intellectual disabilities in three areas professionals: cleaning , gardening assistant and kitchen assistant .

The EQUALvet project began in January 2019 and will end in 2022. We are currently reaching the third and final phase of the project and, in this sense, we are developing one of the last activities planned: a professional training of kitchen assistant , in which 10 people participate. This training started on March 14 and lasts for about 4 months. In fact, there are 220 hours of theoretical-practical training and then students will be able to do 80 hours of practice in ordinary market companies. This training will cover content such as the organization and management of a kitchen, hygiene and safety at work, coordination of the kitchen with other equipment and the preparation of foods such as soups, meat dishes, fish, preparation of vegetables and desserts. The training will end with an emphasis on techniques for developing an active job search in the sector.

In short, the purpose of the EQUALvet project is to help people develop their skills and abilities, as well as their social and professional integration, promoting equality and participation in integrated activities that include, among others, guidance, consulting, monitoring and work placements in companies. These processes are examined and supplemented by the support work methodology, which contributes to the social and labor adaptation of workers with intellectual disabilities when finding work in the free market in conditions similar to other workers. .

During the three years of the EQUALvet project, the training program has met all the necessary requirements required by the accreditation agencies to be able to carry out the certification of the professional skills and competencies of the participants. Both the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the European pillar of social rights promote the relevant rights for equal opportunities and access to the labor market and to education, training and lifelong learning. of life. For this reason, EQUALvet, based on the “European Guidelines for the Validation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning” of CEDEFOP, has developed a training and certification scheme in the three professions mentioned and will finally offer a report of recommendations. policies to start collaborating with national accreditation agencies.

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