Fundació Ramon Noguera Participates in the Colloquium 'Towards Social Inclusion in the Workplace': Reflections on Labor Inclusion


Last Wednesday, February 28, our manager, Pepita Perich, participated in the colloquium "Towards Social Inclusion in the Workplace", organized by Punt Diari in collaboration with the La Caixa Foundation. This event brought together experts to discuss the importance of job placement for people with intellectual disabilities or at risk of exclusion.

During her speech, Pepita Perich shared reflections on the meaning of work as a fundamental right. The transformative role of work as a space to demonstrate skills, relate and contribute to society was highlighted.

In a context where people with disabilities often face social barriers and stigmas, the need to promote inclusive and supportive initiatives was emphasized. Two types of protected work environments were mentioned: insertion companies and Special Work Centers (CETs) as important alternatives for the labor insertion of people with difficulties in accessing employment.

In particular, the vital role of Special Work Centers (CETs) was highlighted as a crucial alternative for the labor insertion of people with disabilities and special difficulties. These resources, created from the regulatory deployment of the LISMI, offer adapted job opportunities and comprehensive support to guarantee the inclusion and professional development of people with disabilities.

In addition, the important role of administrations in promoting and promoting social projects was highlighted, as well as in promoting responsible public procurement and the need for legislation to preserve the Catalan social model. It is essential that administrations support social organizations in the territories. In Catalonia, the CETs network has more than 220 projects that provide work to people in vulnerable situations.

On the other hand, the need to promote responsible public procurement was highlighted, reserving contracts for CETs and EIs as part of the Public Procurement Law. This implies generating will and commitment on the part of administrations to favor the hiring of people with greater difficulties in accessing employment.

At the Ramon Noguera Foundation, we are committed to promoting these alternatives and constantly seeking new opportunities to guarantee the labor inclusion of all people, regardless of their circumstances or abilities. We firmly believe in the importance of working together with social organizations rooted in the territory. Projects focused on people, that value their skills and are integrated into the territories, become successful social projects.


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