Inclusion and specialized care at El Carrilet nursery school


Inclusion and specialized care at El Carrilet nursery school

For six years, the El Carrilet de Salt nursery school has hosted an initiative promoted by our CDIAP. This innovative project offers specialized attention to children with multiple disabilities, integrating them into the inclusive environment of an ordinary nursery school. The aim is to ensure that these children receive the attention they need in an environment that favors their overall development and socialization.

From Monday to Friday, children receive individual attention in an environment completely adapted to their needs. The classroom is equipped with specific materials and toys designed to stimulate their senses, motor skills and cognitive skills. This space not only contributes to the children's personal growth, but also facilitates coexistence with other kindergarten students, promoting socialization, communication and respect for diversity.

To develop this project, the CDIAP of Salt has the collaboration of the Complex Chronicity Support and Pediatric Palliative Care team (ESCCAPP-GI) of the Trueta Hospital in Girona. This joint work ensures multidisciplinary and comprehensive care, emphasizing the well-being and quality of life of children and their families.

Now, we've interviewed the team to learn more about their work and perspectives:

1. When have you been collaborating with the project?

About three years ago, we started collaborating because one of our patients was in the classroom.

2. What is your role within the specialized care service in El Carrilet?

At El Carrilet we carry out two main tasks. One is direct attention to children with multiple disabilities and the other is guidance to the team in matters of food, nutrition or handling the different devices for each child.

3. What is your opinion about the service?

It is a very complete, very comprehensive service. It allows children to be monitored by physiotherapists, speech therapists or psychopedagogues... who not only accompany the child but also the family.

4. What is the main benefit of the project?

Comprehensive care, without a doubt. From the team we are looking for this counterpart, because with the patients we bring we also try to provide this comprehensive support in all areas.

5. How do you coordinate the work with the CDIAP and classroom professionals?

We usually coordinate with the CDIAP physiotherapist or speech therapist, if they provide direct monitoring from the centre. If they are children who are in the classroom, we hold one or two annual meetings with the management team and the professionals who work with the child to share doubts and follow up on them.

6. What are the main challenges you are facing?

The main challenge is to be able to offer this service to more children, who cannot now access it for transport reasons. Extend the service to patients from other municipalities in the health area.

7. How would you approach the future to improve this service?

We would like there to be public transport so that these children can access the service. Our wish is that the classroom can reach beyond the delimitation of Girona.

The project is an example of how inclusive education can become an effective reality when combined with specialized and personalized attention. With the collaboration of professional teams such as the ESCCAPP-GI, this service not only improves the quality of life for children, but also contributes to creating a more inclusive society that respects diversity.

Despite the challenges that still remain to be overcome, the future of this project is promising, and we will continue to work to expand its scope and positive impact.

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