The Ramon Noguera Foundation premieres a show at Escenaris Especials


Last week, the Cassà group of the Ramon Noguera Foundation participated in the premiere of the work "El Futur", the new production of Escenaris Especials: four traveling shows that talk about the future in places where, this, is very present: at the Pere Alsius Institute in Banyoles and the Narcís Xifra i Masmitjà Institute in Girona.

This year they wanted to leave the theater and set foot in a space that works precisely for the future of our society: a secondary school. There, around eighty actors and actresses from Escenaris Especials have interpreted stories that reflect on fate, fortune, luck or fatality. About wishes, promises, projections, punishments and rewards. To think together about what will be the future of this stagnant present of ours. The imagination of drawing what awaits us in the hands of people who are often excluded from the present in which they live.

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