The next course will be running a pilot project in the region of Girona promoted by the City of Salt, Salt Social Welfare Consortium-Gironès Regional Council and the Foundation Ramon Noguera, who is the project manager who will take in school nursery "El Carrilet".
A tripartite agreement between the promoters of the project that will, from next year, the municipal nursery school "El Carrilet" has an inclusive classroom for children 0 to 3 years with high disabilities. In parallel, it will sign a protocol to regulate agreements made with other institutions also support and collaborate with the project such as the Government of Catalonia, the Provincial Government and the City of Girona.
The aim is to provide children with severe disabilities and their families specialized care in a regular kindergarten, to improve their quality of life and, in parallel, to sensitize the environment. The project is aimed at children aged 0 to 3 years who require special care professionals no ordinary nursery schools can provide.
Initially, the new inclusive classroom will have five seats and is expected to grow to a maximum of eight. At first, work four hours daily, Monday through Friday, to give attention to all later time slot operation of the school.
The project will allow the children to have therapeutic care, specific and individualized to cater to the needs of the age, and offered care, guidance, support and advice to families. It seeks to promote the development of children, improve their physical and emotional, encouraging their autonomy, and contribute to the normalization and reconciliation of families.
The classroom is specialized multisensory and will be available to all students in kindergarten, where, through new technologies, mobility can be exercised and emotions while playing. Every day children in inclusive classroom, participate in regular activities with other children and sharing spaces yard festive and leisure activities.