The Onyar workshop works with new technologies to improve food safety


One of the foundations of our foundation is innovation and, in this sense, we aim to improve processes and productivity with a digital transformation strategy that differentiates us and allows us to innovate within our sector.

Therefore, in the food production line of the CET, specifically in the organic line of pasta, pizza and processed products under the brand " Aliments Onyar ", last autumn we put into operation new facilities that ensure safety in the process and that allow to increase the production.

In the same vein, and with the support of the ACCIÓ 4.0 Diagnosis Coupons (Public Agency for the Competitiveness of Catalan Companies), an agency attached to the Department of Business and Knowledge of the Generalitat de Catalunya, is being carried out. carry out the implementation of sensors for monitoring the relevant parameters of the food pasteurization process. Diagnosis Coupons 4.0 are financial aids that are given with the aim of identifying and implementing opportunities for improvement that help beneficiaries address strategic change through the incorporation of Industry 4.0 technologies.

The use of sensors for monitoring the relevant parameters of the pasteurization process allows to help design and optimize a process in a rigorous manner that verifies the conditions of the process and, consequently, the safety of the product. The integration of sensor information with advanced numerical analysis tools allows to respond to the needs of the company in terms of quality control and food safety.

This project is funded by ACCIÓ and has the collaboration and expertise of IRTA, which is a research institute that aims to contribute to the modernization, improvement and promotion of competitiveness, the sustainable development of agricultural, food, agroforestry, aquaculture and fishing sectors.

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