The Clover self-managers explain their project to the students of IES Montilivi


On Wednesday, January 29 and Friday, January 31, the Ramon Noguera Foundation's self-management group Clover conducted two talks in their Community Talks on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities project.

The talks were held at the IES Montilivi in Girona, and were addressed to the students of this institute. In each of the two sessions, self-management participants listened to their difficulties and problems that they have encountered throughout their lives, such as the vulnerability of rights.

We want to thank IES Montilivi for the opportunity to have explained our experiences, as well as the response and dedication the students had when listening to us and developing the dynamics. . The experience has been very enriching for all members of Clover.

This action is part of the FEM Network project funded by DIPSALUT (Public Health Agency of the Diputación de Girona).

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