Presentation of our 2023 Social Balance: commitment to inclusion and transparency


We present the 2023 Social Balance, a document that reflects the impact we generate on society, our mission and our values.

In it we evaluate and translate our annual actions into a commitment to transparency and sustainability. The Social Balance is a key tool to provide society with an honest view of who we are, what we do and how we do it. It allows us to effectively measure and communicate how our projects impact the lives of people with intellectual disabilities, their families and the community.

Every data and result reflects our commitment to transparency, our desire to constantly improve and our desire to remain a reference in social inclusion in Girona and the Gironès.

Through this document, we offer a global picture of our social, environmental and economic impact over the last year. It allows us to self-assess in order to constantly improve and optimize our services, ensuring that every action we take is aligned with our mission.

Finally, we want to thank all the people, organizations and companies that have accompanied us this year. Your support is essential to continue our work. Thanks to you, we continue to create valuable projects that have a real impact on people's lives.

You can consult our complete Social Balance here .

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