A case of success in the Orientation and Employment Service of the Ramon Noguera Foundation


Sergi is one of the students of the Foundation's Guidance and Employment Service who graduated this July from the Comprehensive Guidance, Accompanying and Support for Insertion (SIOAS) program.

He started the program with the aim of improving his work skills and finding a suitable job for himself. Now, thanks to this, he has found a job at Mooma and is very happy. Today we present you his story.

What is the SIOAS Program?

The program he studied promotes the employment of people with intellectual disabilities in the ordinary labor market. It does this through group dynamics, during which students receive individualized support focused on guidance and job search.

Likewise, students also develop their basic skills and competences needed by the world of work.

Sergis' story

1. How did you get to the Foundation's Guidance and Employment Service?

My father took me there. I had been with another foundation for many years and needed a change.

2. How has the Guidance and Employment Service of the Ramon Noguera Foundation supported you during your job search process and on a day-to-day basis at Mooma?

I did some group sessions with the SIOAS colleagues, where Maria taught us how to make a good CV and a good interview. We also did individual tutorials with Cristina to set goals for me. I was offered to work at Mooma and I found it interesting. Roger interviewed me and I was hired.

Since then, I work alone and I'm doing very well. If I need help, I know I can count on the Foundation and my family.

3. What skills have you developed or improved since you started working there?

I've learned a lot working in hospitality for the first time: I'm faster and more independent, and now I know how to make drinks and serve ciders. I have also learned to communicate better, to listen and to stay calm when someone tells me something.

4. How do you feel working at Mooma? What job tasks do you enjoy the most?

I feel very happy and very supported by my colleagues. We're a very close team and that's really cool.

I'm at the bar and I like all the tasks. I mainly prepare the material so that nothing is missing, but when orders come in I also prepare the juices, waters, soft drinks, ciders...

5. What advice or recommendations would you give to other people with intellectual disabilities who are looking for work?

Let them get excited, focus and listen to the advice of those who want the best for them. Sometimes it's lazy, but you have to have goals.

If you are not a self-confident person, you have to do things to make yourself so. Look for jobs that you like because you will be happier. Everyone is different and everyone is better at some things than others, and that's okay.

6. What impact has your job had on your daily life and on your self-esteem?

Working at Mooma has made me happier and more myself, happier. I think I always have been, but we all have moments. Now I am always very happy. I have seen that I have the ability to adapt and I like that.

Sergi is one of the success stories of the program, but not only he has found work. Ana Maria, Alexandre and Desiré are three of the 19 students who, without having completed the course yet, have already managed to find work in the ordinary company.

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