The project improves the messaging sustainable employability 15 people at risk of social exclusion


The project "Sustainable Mail" began with 15 people at risk of exclusion that improve their employability through the project funded by the Obra Social "la Caixa" Group and executed by Success (business alliance between the Foundation Ramon Noguera, Ecosol, integration firm Caritas Diocese of Girona Foundation and Drissa). Success Alliance project aims to take action to improve the employability of people at risk of social exclusion and special difficulties (mental disorder and severe intellectual disability) and launch a new line of business messaging sustainable.

Actions Project

The project consists of several complementary phases, orientation, training, subsidized employment and support insertion. The project began last November with the reception itinerary customized to the initial employment with the participation of 15 people from the three organizations; Distribute and training to prepare the team to develop sustainable activities messaging will start in April and provide employment opportunities in the field of messaging people who are ready for insertion. This new activity, mixed groups were formed with the participation of people from the three organizations.

Project results

5 people have reached agreement on ordinary company has signed cooperation agreement with ASM company that has hired two people and three other people have been able to contract other companies.

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