Fantastic Ramon, the new production of Escenaris Especials


The Teatre Lliure de Barcelona will host the new Escenaris Especials production for the 2024-2025 season: Fantàstic Ramon. After the success of Mare de Sucre, Clàudia Cedó returns to direct a comedy full of drama, humor and fantasy that will captivate regular audiences as well as new viewers.

With a repertoire of luxury actors and actresses, the production inaugurates the Ànima Lliure project, with which Teatre Lliure, in collaboration with the Banc Sabadell Foundation, wants to produce at least one show a year created by a team of people with functional diversity.

Synopsis and Theme

Fantastic Ramon tells the story of a family, a teacher with character and her partner, a peaceful luthier, who are expecting a child. But what comes out of her on the day she gives birth is not a creature like the others... This comedy with fantastic touches wants to reflect on exclusion, dependence, overprotection and family coexistence with a disabled child.

With an approach that combines humor with moments of great emotional charge, Fantàstic Ramon manages to illuminate complex subjects in an accessible and deeply human way.

An exceptional cast

The play has a luxurious cast, with 4 actors and actresses who are part of the Foundation: Andrea Álvarez, Jordi Galià, Mercè Méndez and Judith Pardàs. But also with Marc Buxaderas, Elisabeth Casanovas, Xicu Masó, Edgar Murillo, Maria Rodríguez and Kathy Sey.

The premiere of Fantàstic Ramon is scheduled for April 2, 2025 and the work will be on view until May 4, 2025. However, tickets will go on sale from next September. We recommend that you keep an eye on our social networks, because given the reputation of the Free Theater and the names associated with the production, we expect them to fly!

Direction and production

Clàudia Cedó is a playwright, theater director and psychologist that directs this new production with her unmistakable stamp. Known for her ability to address important social issues with delicacy and humor, she has made Fantàstic Ramon the new essential play to see during the 2024-2025 season.

Practical Information

· Venue: Teatre Lliure de Barcelona - Sala Fabià Puigserver.
· Dates: from April 2 to May 4, 2025.
· Tickets: on sale from September 2024.

Don't miss the opportunity to see the play and enjoy a comedy that makes the invisible visible. Fantastic Ramon opens a window to the understanding and acceptance of human diversity.

See you at the Teatre Lliure!

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