VIII Trobada Amics de la Fundació


On July 17, we celebrated the VIII annual Meeting of the Friends of the Ramon Noguera Foundation, an event that year after year brings our organization closer to all the individuals, administrations and companies that support us. The aim of the meeting is to foster the community and strengthen the ties between the friends of the Foundation, a mission we have kept alive since day one.

A journey through almost 60 years of history

During this year's meeting, Salvi Amagat, president of the Foundation, and Pepita Perich, vice-president, offered us a fascinating tour through the almost 60 years of history of our organization as a reminder of the dedication and passion that has guided the Foundation throughout all these years.

During their presentation, both wanted to highlight again the good work that Mr. Ramon Noguera pushed to develop the Foundation's mission from its beginnings.

Life experiences: living history of the Foundation

One of the most emotional moments of the meeting was when David and Joan, two users who have experienced first hand the impact of our work, shared their life experiences.

Their stories highlight the importance of the work we do every day and, without a doubt, give us strength to continue working to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities and their families.

Setba Award: the Art of being Visible

In addition to the presentations and personal experiences, we exhibited four works presented at this year's XIV Premi Setba.

These works, each accompanied by a very special QR code, were a sample of the creativity and talent displayed by the users of the Llagostera Occupational Therapy Service who participate in the art activity, as well as our bet on the capacity for innovation and inclusion in art.

If you didn't have time to scan them this Wednesday, don't worry! You can enjoy the works throughout the month of August in La Rosaleda.

Special thanks

We would like to extend a special thank you to the companies that accompanied us in this very special event. Thank you to Comexi and Toni Pons for sharing your views and experiences with the Foundation's services. Your presence and support are fundamental to us.

A perfect setting: La Rosaleda

The event was held, as usual, at the Foundation's gastronomic restaurant, La Rosaleda, located in the middle of the Jardins de la Devesa in Girona. This space, with its cozy and natural surroundings, was the perfect setting for a day of reunions and new projects.

During the VIII Meeting the attendees enjoyed an exquisite catering service, served right in the charming Jardins de la Rosaleda. This catering, prepared by the catering service of the Foundation itself, offered a selection of hot and cold dishes suitable for all audiences.

Guests were able to savor a variety of tapas and appetizers made with top quality ingredients, all in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere that encouraged conversation and interaction between participants.

Looking to the future

With an eye on the future, we are proud to see how the Meeting of Friends of the Foundation grows and consolidates year after year. We will continue to work with the same commitment and enthusiasm to continue bringing our organization closer to the community and building a more inclusive future together.

Thank you to everyone who made this special day possible. We look forward to seeing you at the next edition with the same enthusiasm and dedication!

As a special treat for all attendees, we gifted them with Aliments Onyar's new integral vegetable pizza. This product stands out for its nutritional quality and its commitment to healthy eating, made with organic and local ingredients. A healthy pizza that was very well received by everyone!

If you also want to become a Friend of the Foundation, you can do so through this link: Make me a friend!

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