Projects for therapeutic interventions and improvement of the living conditions of people with intellectual disabilities in Girona


At the Fundació we work to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities. To make this possible, we base our support on personalized life itineraries adapted to the needs, interests and wishes of each user.

These are focused on the integral improvement of each individual's health and consider physical activity as one of the primary aspects for their well-being.

Swimming and physical activity

This year, in the framework of the "Subsidies to non-profit organizations to carry out activities in terms of conditions and lifestyles", we received a grant from the autonomous body of the deputation of Girona "Dipsalut" to carry out complete our swimming and physical activity project.

The project consists of a swimming and physical activity program for adults with intellectual disabilities.

The sessions are carried out in small groups, with group and individual activities adapted to the personalized plans and goals of each participant, guaranteeing a positive impact directed by a professional specialized in physical and sports sciences.

Animal-assisted therapies

This year, through the "Subsidies to non-profit entities for the realization of therapeutic interventions to improve the quality of life in the demarcation of Girona" granted by the autonomous body of the deputation of Girona "Dipsalut" , we have also promoted animal-assisted therapy.

The aim of these is to take advantage of the benefits of contact with animals to improve people's emotional and physical health.

Animal-assisted therapies have proven to be a valuable tool for reducing stress, anxiety and other mental health issues, as well as improving participants' social and emotional skills.

The actions promoted by the Fundació within the framework of the programs have aimed to improve and develop the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities. The benefits of both programs include emotional, social, physical and material improvements, as well as personal skills and self-determination.

These activities not only promote social inclusion, but also increase participation in the cultural, recreational and sporting life of their surroundings. At the same time, these grants allow us to continue providing essential services to the community, and we want to thank Dipsalut for their continued support.

Participate and collaborate

If you are interested in learning more about our projects or wish to collaborate with the Montilivi Foundation, do not hesitate to contact us. Together we can make a significant difference in the quality of life in our community.

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