Dipsalut Wellness and Community Program


Since August of last year, the Foundation has developed different community intervention actions within the framework of the Wellbeing and Community program with the funding of Dipsalut (autonomous public health organization of the Diputació de Girona).

Dipsalut's Welfare and Community program facilitates the articulation and integration of devices that improve the quality of life of groups in a vulnerable situation and that contribute to the well-being of the community as a whole.

The actions developed by the foundation within the framework of the program have had the objective of offering support and advice to families with people with intellectual disabilities and/or children with developmental problems throughout the Gironès region, generating a positive impact on the community from the aspects of exchange of experiences, participation and social inclusion of the collective.

Our child development and early care centers (CDIAP) have developed a program aimed at families that has consisted of informative talks and technical and emotional support groups to accompany them in the adaptation process, deal with possible difficulties, establish parenting relationship guidelines, modify behaviors, deal with problems, exchange experiences, inform the public support network, etc.

On the other hand, from our care services for adults with intellectual disabilities, we carry out a program for families that consists of informative talks, workshops and conferences where issues related to disability are discussed at all levels, from from the most bureaucratic and legal levels to the most emotional and personalized level of the disability itself.

It should also be noted that within the Welfare and Community programme, the foundation has actively participated in the table promoting networking in the Gironès region promoted by the programme. With the aim of planning and developing actions that improve the quality of life and the strengthening of the social relations of the citizens of the region and that will have a course during the next four years.

The Gironès networking promotion table is coordinated by the Gironès-Salt Health and Welfare Consortium with the participation of social organizations such as Càritas, Creu Roja, Fundació Sergi and the Ramon Noguera Foundation Group itself.

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