Collaborations with schools, universities and institutes


Throughout the year, from the Foundation we collaborate with different educational centers so that they know our work, values and objectives.

Some come visit our facilities and others we visit them.

This is the case of the University of Girona where, among others, this year we had the opportunity to once again present the Foundation and the services we offer for people with intellectual disabilities to the students of the Society subject , Science and Sustainability.

The talks, which were given by Carme Sabatés and Yolanda García, psychologists from the Foundation, not only allowed us to publicize our work, but also gave us the opportunity to raise awareness among young students.

The importance of awareness

From the Foundation, we believe that raising awareness about the reality of people with intellectual disabilities is something fundamental to our work. That's why we strive every day to break down barriers and prejudices while encouraging the creation of opportunities.

One of the most effective ways to do this is undoubtedly through training and information. The talks at the University of Girona have been an excellent platform to reach future professionals in the sector.

A meeting and learning space

The talks we have given at the University of Girona have been an enriching experience for both us and the participants. We were able to share our experiences, explain our projects and, above all, listen to the concerns and suggestions of students and teachers. These sessions have been an opportunity to create an open and sincere dialogue about the reality of people with intellectual disabilities and how we can work together to improve their quality of life.

During the talks we also highlighted the importance of collaboration between the Foundation and educational institutions. From these come offers and opportunities for internships and volunteering that offer students the possibility of having a real experience in contact with the collective. These collaborations are essential to continuing to advance our mission and often result in real job opportunities.

Opportunities for students

If you are a student, you should know that there are many ways to collaborate with the Foundation:

· University internships: gain practical experience working alongside industry professionals and users. If you want to keep up to date with all our offers, follow us on the networks. We publish all our offers there.

· Volunteering: join us in the different leisure activities we organize or collaborate with us in specific projects.

· Research projects : if you have any ideas that can bring new perspectives or innovative solutions for the creation of social and work opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities, get in touch with us!

The talks at the University of Girona have been a very positive experience that has allowed us to get closer to the educational community and establish important links.

We are very happy to be able to present our project to future professionals in the sector, and grateful for the reception and interest shown by students and teachers. We believe that these collaborations are essential to continue advancing our mission and to continue offering quality services to people with intellectual disabilities.

If you are a school, university or institute and are interested in collaborating with us, we encourage you to get in touch. We are sure that by working together we can contribute to creating a more inclusive and supportive society.

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