memory | 290.13 kBNULL: Aureo Loader |
speed | 0.158 msstart console |
memory | 729.64 kBNULL: Init SQL DB core |
log | we init the domain |
memory | 747.89 kBNULL: Init SQL DB site |
memory | 756.91 kBNULL: Init SQL DB plugins |
log | we found this url belongs to 796 (grup_fundacio_ramon_nogue) |
speed | 5.526 msAureo\Admin\Domains::getMainLangsDomains |
speed | 10.466 msAureo\Utils::getCompanyLanguages |
speed | 16.773 msAureo\aureoFriendlyUrls::getIdLanguageFromUrl |
error | Line 97 : Query failed:
select cu.IDLANGUAGE
from SITE_URLS cu
where cu.URL='/js/'+item.el.attr('href')+'' or cu.URL='/js/'+item.el.attr('href')+'.html' or cu.URL='/js/' item.el.attr('href') '' or cu.URL='/js/' item.el.attr('href') '.html'
- You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '('href')+'' or cu.URL='/js/'+item.el.attr('href')+'.html' or cu.URL='/js/' item.' at line 3 /var/www/html/aureo_webs/lib/Core/Db.php |
error | Line 108 : /var/www/html/aureo_webs/lib/Core/Bootstrap.php (108) Error ocurred: [Notice] Trying to get property of non-object(/var/www/html/aureo_webs/lib/aureoFriendlyUrls.php - 89) /var/www/html/aureo_webs/lib/Core/Bootstrap.php |