The CDIAP of the Ramon Noguera Foundation is part of a research on the effect of screens on children's development


The Center for Child Development and Early Care (CDIAP) of Gironès of the Ramon Noguera Foundation participates in a research project together with the University of Girona and four other CDIAPs: CDIAP Oreig Foundation (Palamós), CDIAP Integra Garrotxa (Olot), CDIAP Pla de l'Estany (Banyoles) and CDIAP Tris-Tras (Vic). The project, which began in March 2021, will run for 12 months.

The interest of the project focuses on the study of the effects of the use of screens on the development of children cared for in these centers . This research will be carried out with the voluntary participation of about 500 families of children aged between 18 and 36 months, who begin care in the respective CDIAP and who present as a reason for consultation language delay. , behavioral difficulties, problems in eating habits, sleep and sphincter control, motor retardation, and relationship and communication difficulties .

The aim of the study is to determine language disorders in children caused by overexposure to screens. Recently, CDIAPs have seen how language problems have been exacerbated in the children they care for and this is attributed to possible overexposure and increased use of screens, especially since the pandemic began.

New technologies bring many benefits and are very useful, and they have been especially so in times of confinement. However, the use of devices on screens is not recommended for all ages. Most experts agree that these devices should not be used from 0 to 3 years of age and should be carefully monitored from the age of 3. That is why CDIAP professionals advise families to keep their children away from contact with devices, at least until they are 3 years old. The results of this project will make it possible to find solutions and carry out pedagogy to raise awareness among the population.

Parental relationship as a source of development

It is essential to encourage the development of children through stimulation with the parental relationship. Screens are replacing moments of relationship between parents and children. There are more and more children and of earlier ages, who spend too many hours in front of the screens. Some of the established routines, such as telling a story or singing songs, are implemented through a screen, which causes the relationship between the parent and the child to be lost.

There are also many cases detected in which children learn to acquire different habits of autonomy such as feeding or controlling sphincters through screens. They eat or are distracted with the mobile, sit in the urinal with some device or go to sleep with some screen.

Childcare professionals recommend reflecting on how children and us use it as adults and becoming aware of the impact that overexposure can have . Parents should observe and place limitations in relation to the use of screens on their children and it is necessary to focus on fostering the parent-child relationship through free play that stimulates the imagination and the ability to resolve situations.

About CDIAPs

CDIAPs are centers specializing in the development of children during early childhood and carry out a series of care and preventive actions aimed at children aged 0 to 6 and their families, who consult in the face of a disorder or a possible developmental disorder or they are at risk of suffering from it. They intervene in parenting difficulties that may alter the growth process, they also support external professionals related to early childhood and promote prevention, detection and training and advice to families. From the Fundació Ramon Noguera, we manage the CDIAP del Gironès , which provides coverage to the towns of Girona, Salt, Sarrià, Quart, Vilablareix, Aiguaviva, Bescanó, Sant Gregori, Canet d'Adri and Sant Martí de Llémena.

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