Global Week of Health and Physical Activity


From 3 to 9 April celebrates the World Week of Health and Physical Activity. Therefore, the Foundation Ramon Noguera have a day full of new activities, promote health and fight the epidemic of physical inactivity. Physical activity, sport and movement for the welfare of the people.

Today we have the start of this celebration with the most activity moved to the occupational center of Llagostera. Here you can see the video.

The powerful program Physical Activity and Health enjoyed our users and already have the habit, developed by Cesc Maso, our technical Physical Education and Sport, has led us to organize this week healthy with the to consolidate a message that accompanies us since they began: "in addition to moving less disease. exercise is the best medicine"

The first edition is made active this week many activities that have been planned for users of occupational centers and residences enjoy this event and an important aspect to highlight receive different methods of instruction professionals and Welness Fitness Facilities.

The program we have prepared is as follows:


- Walking through magical healthy environment of Lake Banyoles. In over 50 users have set the goal of making a return to the lake.


- Session of Zumba instructor in charge of the specialist Judith Luque.

- Soccer Tournament and Basketball Pavilion Palace of Girona.


- petanque tournament Civic Center Montilivi.

- Session aerobics instructor in charge of the specialist Laura Velasco Palace Pavilion.


- The program Acell a petanque tournament between different entities.


- Session iguagym by the specialist instructor Sandra Andrada Municipal Pool Can Gibert del Pla de Girona.

- Session dance by Aida Moreno.

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