Starring Project training and employment


Author: Ivan Gurnés, former employee of the La Rosaleda Training and Employment Tasting Garden project.

I am Ivan Gurnés, I am 19 years old and I have worked at the Ramon Noguera Foundation, in the catering section.

It was my first job. As work has been very good, I realize there is a lot to learn. After the day, there have been days that I have been rewarded for my work with the deal with clients and also with the staff with whom I have worked.

I also have to say that there are days that, despite what I have worked with, I have not felt rewarded for what I did, but I understand that in my short experience in this type of job, I have sometimes made beginner mistakes With clients and with colleagues.

I understand that everyone wants to be well attended and well served to their liking, so they trust the service of this place . I think the same way that they, in the society that everyone lives, seeks perfection, I also seek it; What we just do not understand is that no one is born taught. The errors are also learned, corrected and perfected, and again from here will be a good service and a professional. I understand that not everyone sees it equally. It is hard to learn because we complain about the negative points and, sometimes, we forget to congratulate ourselves on the good work done.

I would like to thank the colleagues and those responsible for my work that have given me encouragement and advice to follow and improve the day to day, which I value a lot, because collaborating among all is a good service.
All this I am explaining from an apprentice's point of view. Another day, I hope I can explain more anecdotes and be able to say that I have become a professional.

Article published in the Annual Magazine of the Ramon Noguera Foundation 2017. Read more articles: MAGAZINE FRN 2017

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